System Specifications to Watch Out for When Buying a Laptop

System Specifications to Watch Out for When Buying a Laptop

Do you know that the Frontier system in the United States is currently the world’s fastest supercomputer? It has over 8.5 million cores and is fully operational at Oak Ridge Laboratory. Its configuration is capable of handling super-complex problems such as medical research and weather forecasting, among others.

Although no machine can match the specifications of the Frontier system, knowing more about a computer’s configuration is beneficial. Your laptop configuration, for example, determines your gaming experience and work productivity. If you intend to purchase a new laptop, learn more about its specifications. Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about laptop specs and how to configure your laptop.

If you intend to buy a new laptop, make sure you understand its specifications. Keep reading to learn about laptop specs and how to configure your laptop.

1. The Random Access Memory (RAM)

Your Laptop’s Random Access Memory (RAM) is more important than you may realize. This is where applications and programs are executed. The greater your RAM capacity, the better.

In this day and age, it is recommended that your laptop have at least 8GB of RAM installed. Even if you’re a casual laptop user, anything less will make multitasking difficult. 8GB of RAM is usually enough to keep a few browser tabs open, listen to music, play a game in the background, and so on. If you have a larger budget, you should get 12GB or 16GB of RAM. If you spend a lot of time in front of your computer and use complex apps/games, this is ideal. Determine whether your laptop’s RAM is sufficient.

If you have a larger budget, you should get 12GB or 16GB of RAM. If you spend a lot of time in front of your computer and use complex apps/games, this is ideal. Check to see if your laptop’s RAM can be expanded. It’s convenient to have a free slot where you can add 8GB of RAM if necessary in the future.

2. The Screen Size

A laptop can do so much these days, such as play games, render video files, play movies, and so on. If Netflix is your best friend and you spend a lot of time watching movies, get a laptop with a screen that is at least 15.6 inches in size.

This is the standard size for most laptops designed for watching movies and playing video games. If you need even more visual space, consider a laptop with a 17.3-inch screen. This is most likely the largest display size available in a laptop, and it provides an immersive viewing experience.

On the other hand, if you travel frequently and bring your laptop with you, a smaller display is recommended. For those looking for a portable laptop, anything smaller than 14 inches is recommended. Not only will your laptop be lighter, but it will also fit into almost all bags and cases.

Look through some Cyber Monday laptop deals to find a machine with a large enough screen to meet your requirements limit without having to break the bank.

3. Display Resolution

Display size and display resolution are not the same thing. The first refers to the screen’s physical size. The second is the number of pixels on your screen. The more pixels there are, the clearer the image.

When it comes to the display on a laptop, there are several standard resolutions to choose from. HD (1280 x 720 pixels), full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels), and 4K (3840 x 2160 pixels) are the most popular. If your budget allows, you should opt for a full HD resolution.

A full HD display can show crisper, clearer images and more appealing colours. Your viewing experience will be elevated, and you will notice a significant improvement when playing games as well.

If your budget allows, a 4K screen is also a good choice, but keep in mind that this will quickly deplete battery life. If you’re a casual user who doesn’t care about display resolution, an HD screen will suffice. Simply put, you will not get the clearest and most vivid images possible.

4. Hard Drive: SSD or HDD?

SSD is an acronym for Solid-State Drive. In comparison to the traditional HDD, it provides a better and more reliable method of storing data. Most modern laptops include an SSD configuration, which offers numerous benefits.

To begin with, SSD is extremely fast. You’ll have faster data transfer speeds, and your operating system will load faster as well. When installed on SSD, games and other software programs and applications run more smoothly. The disadvantage is that the SSD is more expensive.

If you don’t plan on installing large games on your laptop, you might want to go for a configuration with 128GB or 256GB of SSD. This allows you to enjoy a smoother and quicker computer experience without spending too much money.

On the other hand, if you plan to store large files on your laptop, go for a combination of SSD + HDD. install the operating system on the SSD to reap faster-loading speeds. Leave the HDD for large games, movies, and music collections.

5. The Processor and Its Cores

Let’s talk about one of your laptop’s most important components: the CPU, or central processing unit. This is the brain of your computer, and it is responsible for putting all other components to work. If you have a high-performance CPU, your laptop will most likely last for many years.

Because Intel processors are the most advanced, they are found in the majority of laptops. You could also choose AMD’s Ryzen processors. If you only use your laptop occasionally and don’t require a lot of processing power, an Intel i3 processor should suffice.

This configuration is typically powerful enough to support light multitasking, internet browsing, and full HD video playback. To play the latest games or render large video files, you’ll need at least an i5 processor. Remember that an i5 or i7 processor is intended for heavy users. These are the processors to look for if you intend to make music on your laptop, edit large photos, or play the latest games.

Ideally, choose a processor with at least two cores. Some of them have four or even eight cores, which is advantageous in terms of performance. Having more cores means your computer can do more work and handle multitasking with ease.

6. Video Card

Aside from the processor and RAM, the video card is also present. This is a specially designed component that handles images, animations, videos, and other visual elements. Most laptops include an integrated video card, but to play the latest games, you’ll need a dedicated one.

For example, at least 2GB of video RAM is recommended. This means that your laptop will have an extra 2 GB of RAM dedicated to handling images and animations. Avid gamers typically opt for 4GB of video RAM, which allows them to play most games with the details set to “Ultra.”

A stronger video card is also required if you regularly edit images or produce videos in particular software packages. That is why you should examine your computer activities and determine whether a normal integrated video card for casual users or a high-performance one for gamers and videographers is appropriate for you.

7. Keyboard Backlight?

A backlit keyboard is one of the most interesting features of a modern laptop. Although most basic versions lack this capability, it can be extremely useful and is well worth the extra money.

Backlit keyboards make it possible to type in the dark. You don’t need any additional lighting; all you need is your screen and keyboard. The majority of machines include conventional backlighting, although certain gaming laptops allow you to customize an RGB keyboard.

This means you may give it any colour you want and even assign various colours to different groups of keys. Your laptop will seem a lot more appealing, and your gaming experience will be enhanced.

Although you can get by without a backlit keyboard, why not have this cool feature? It gives your laptop a personal style and can boost your productivity. Be prepared to pay a little more for a laptop with a backlit keyboard, but chances are you won’t be sorry.

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Wrapping Up: Choosing a Laptop that Stands Out

It’s time to find your ideal machine now that you’ve completed a crash article on laptop configuration and basic specs. Go online to see a variety of laptops with various configurations. This will assist you in narrowing down your options and striking a balance between price, performance, and portability.

As a suggestion, write down your priorities. Do you primarily use your laptop for gaming? Do you work as a writer or videographer? Do you prefer to watch movies and videos on the Internet? You’ll eventually make the right decision based on your preferences.

Also, be sure to read our other articles on our website to learn more about laptops, gaming, and technology in general.

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